Скрытый текст
- 40 Frog Spawn + 40 Glass Bead = 8 Phracon
- 40 Chrysalis + 10 Clam Flesh = 5 Detrimindexta
- 45 Manacles + 25 Feather of Birds = 7 Detonator
- 25 Talon + 20 Zenorc Fang = 4 Maneater Roots
- 15 Venom Canine + 30 Powder of Butterfly = 4 Mixture
- 35 Crystal Mirror + 50 Mantis Scythe = 8 Grit
- 10 Insect Feeler + 15 Chung Jah = 2 Witch Starsand
- 45 Bouquet + 40 Mole Whiskers = 4 Hinalle
- 10 Throwing Kit + 10 Increase HP Potion(S) = 10 Throwing Increase HP Potion(S)
- 10 Throwing Kit + 10 Increase SP Potion(S) = 10 Throwing Increase SP Potion(S)

Скрытый текст
- Thorn Seed: Plant Genetic Cultivation Guide, 10 Pricky Fruit
- Blood Sucker Seed: Plant Genetic Cultivation Guide, 10 Man-eater Root
- Explosive Mushroom Spore: Plant Genetic Cultivation Guide, 10 Mushroom Spore, 5 Poison Mushroom Spore, 2 Black Powder
- White Potion Z: Improved Potion Creation Manual, 10 test tube, 20 white potion, 10 white herb, alcohol
- Vitata 500: Improved Potion Creation Manual, 10 test tube, 10 grape, 10 honey, 10 blue herb
- Celomain Soup: Improved Potion Creation Manual, 10 test tube, 5 awakening potion, 5 concentration potion, 5 spicy sauce
- Increase HP Potion (Small): 10 empty bottle, 5 monster good, 10 white herb, spicy sauce
- Increase HP Potion (Medium): 10 empty bottle, 10 white herb, (?) yellow herb, spicy sauce
- Increase HP Potion (Large): 10 empty bottle, 15 white herb, 3 mastela fruit, holy water, spicy sauce
- Increase SP Potion (Small): 10 empty bottle, 10 lemon, 10 grape, sweet sauce
- Increase SP Potion (Medium): 10 empty bottle, 10 honey, 10 blue herb, sweet sauce
- Increase SP Potion (Large): 10 empty bottle, 10 royal jelly, 15 blue herb, sweet sauce

Скрытый текст
- Savage Full Roast (+20 STR): Mix Cooking Ingredient Book, Savage Meat, Iron Cooking Skewer, Bituminous Coal
- Cocktail Warg Blood (+20 INT): Mix Cooking Ingredient Book, Wolf's Blood, Cold Ice
- Minor Stew (+20 VIT): Mix Cooking Ingredient Book, Comodo Tropical Fruit, Seasoned Tough Meat
- Siroma Iced Tea (+20 DEX): Mix Cooking Ingredient Book, Comodo Tropical Fruit, Powdered Ice, Ice Crystal
- Drosera Herb Salad (+20 AGI): Mix Cooking Ingredient Book, Drosera Feeler, Large Pan, Red herb, White herb, Blue herb.
- Petite Tail Noodles (+20 LUK): Mix Cooking Ingredient Book, Petite Tail, Fine Noodles, Cold Broth
- Black Mass (All stats -5): При неудачной варке

Скрытый текст
- Apple Bomb: Apple Bomb Guide, Apple, Scell, Dark Powder, Detonator
- Pineapple Bomb: Pineapple Bomb Guide Pineapple, Cactus Needle, 3 Dark Powder, Detonator
- Coconut Bomb: Coconut Bomb Guide, Coconut, 2 Dark Powder, Detonator
- Melon Bomb: Melon Bomb Guide, Melon, Sticky Mucus, 2 Dark Powder, Detonator
- Banana Bomb: Banana Bomb Guide, Banana, Mold Powder, 4 Dark Powder, Detonator
- Black Lump: При неудачной варке
Скрытый текст
* Black Powder - Lava Golem, Quove
* Dark Powder - Pitman, Heater
* Smoke Powder - Kabuki Ninja, Assaulter
* Explosive Powder - Venomous, Noxious, Sting
* Tear Gas - Venomous, Noxious, Waste Stove
* Oil Bottle - Venatu, Rybio, Phendark
* Savage Meat - Savage, Savage Babe
* Drosera Feeler - Drosera
* Seasoned Tough Meat - Minororus, Majororus
* Wolf Blood - Desert Wolf
* Petite Tail - Earth Petite
* Cold Ice - Snowier, Ice Titan
* Ice Crystal - Icicle
* Powdered Ice - Ice Titan, Gazeti
* Coconut - Permetter
* Melon - Mobster, Green Iguana
* Pineapple - Mobster, Dryad, Parasite
* Black Powder - Lava Golem, Quove
* Dark Powder - Pitman, Heater
* Smoke Powder - Kabuki Ninja, Assaulter
* Explosive Powder - Venomous, Noxious, Sting
* Tear Gas - Venomous, Noxious, Waste Stove
* Oil Bottle - Venatu, Rybio, Phendark
* Savage Meat - Savage, Savage Babe
* Drosera Feeler - Drosera
* Seasoned Tough Meat - Minororus, Majororus
* Wolf Blood - Desert Wolf
* Petite Tail - Earth Petite
* Cold Ice - Snowier, Ice Titan
* Ice Crystal - Icicle
* Powdered Ice - Ice Titan, Gazeti
* Coconut - Permetter
* Melon - Mobster, Green Iguana
* Pineapple - Mobster, Dryad, Parasite
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