If you want to play on 3'rd classes and RE -> StandartRo renewal
If you want to play classic advanced classes -> StandartRo classic http://classic.standartro.ru/
If you want to join our international tournir (advanced classes again) -> StandartRo Zone51 http://zone51.standartro.ru/
woe times:
Wednesday woe 2.0 21:00 +3gmt
Saturday woe 1.0 20:00 +3gmt
ip: home.standartro.ru
Yep comeon, renewal is much more interesting, joing us!!!!
Scream - Genetic
Bankai - Warlock
+best use of all job points...Mage? Nope Sura
+best ranged damage...Ranger? ha no Sura
+best melee damage....Guillotine Cross! just kidding, sura
+best movement/escape ability/counter status & attacks ability...Shadow Chaser? Wrong, default answer Sura wins again
+best AoE...Warlock! lol sure sure, Sura takes it again
+best self buffs...arch bishop? nope Sura!
+best sp stealing...Sorcerer! Of coarse not, duh thats Sura again
+best defensive skills...RG?..ya i know, Sura again